capitalist mode of production

美 [ˈkæpɪtəlɪst moʊd əv prəˈdʌkʃn]英 [ˈkæpɪtəlɪst məʊd ɒv prəˈdʌkʃn]
  • 资本主义生产方式
capitalist mode of productioncapitalist mode of production
  1. How did he approach the modern capitalist mode of production .


  2. Marx : On the Capitalist Mode of Production The Ideological Production Mode and Its Characteristics


  3. In the capitalist mode of production , growth of production is at the expense of human development .


  4. That aim was fully developed after the production of modern science and technology and capitalist mode of production .


  5. The Evolution of Capitalism in the Change of Capitalist Mode of Production & A New Path of Developing Marxist Economics


  6. Capitalist mode of production makes people accessory of market system while promoting the general flow of man and the development of man 's ability .


  7. We assume , then , that agriculture is dominated by the capitalist mode of production just as manufacture is ;


  8. However , firstly ," globalization " is economic globalization , whose essence is to continuously expand the influence of capitalist mode of production .


  9. From the capitalist mode of production has been established for nearly 300 years , the economic development of capitalism played a great role in promoting .


  10. The essence of the thought is to accept and reflect the capitalist mode of production , and a preliminary construction to the Chinese industrialization theory .


  11. However , its existing condition in the stage of simple commodity economy and that of socialized commodity economy after capitalist mode of production was established are different .


  12. Social class structure should be seen both as the domestic relation between bourgeoisie and proletariat but also as an international structure shaped by capitalist mode of production .


  13. Marx also discovered the special law of motion governing the present-day capitalist mode of production and the bourgeois society that this mode of production has created .


  14. In the 19th century 40-50 ages , Europe Industrial Revolution was finished Basically , Capitalist mode of production was established in most of western Europe countries .


  15. This contradiction with the dominant capitalist mode of production and full start , when the sharp intensification of the contradictions extent , they cause economic crisis .


  16. Capitalist mode of production , characterized by marketing economy , surpassed Asian mode of production , characterized by agricultural economy , in developing productive forces and promoting association .


  17. The capitalist mode of production is commodity production ; its supreme objective is to seek profit . Along with the periodic economic crisis , it also causes ecological crisis .


  18. Clearly pointed that the essence of current economical globalization is the global expansion process , which the capitalist mode of production , life style and its political system with a new form .


  19. After plenty of description of bad damage to ecological environment caused by capitalist mode of production , Marx dissects the origin of ecological deterioration from multi-angles .


  20. Only on the basis of sublation of capitalist mode of production , the realization of social productive development and the worldwide contact can our human beings finally achieve this goal .


  21. These changes , once and for all , are influenced by the capitalist mode of production , and are the results of the progressive disintegration of natural economy since the modern times .


  22. Simultaneously , Standing height of the times , from the perspective of practice , which were rational reflection and criticism the capitalist mode of production and the alienated labor .


  23. It reveals from two respects the inexorable link between capitalist mode of production and eco-crisis , pointing out the relation between capitalist system and the deteriorating global environment .


  24. Marx 's theory of labor and labor value is a scientific system of rich content , which reveals the functioning features and basic contradictions of the capitalist mode of production at that time .


  25. Then the main part of this article : first , combined with the capitalist mode of production , on the relationship between consumption and production of and discusses the relationship between consumption and social reproduction .


  26. Consumerism in the West have a long history , but as a kind of social ideological trend first rose in the west , is accompanied by the capitalist mode of production produce .


  27. The chaos of war and the invasion of capitalist mode of production made the production of industry of New Year picture of Wuqiang shrink , while it still showed the developing trend .


  28. Since the modern scientific revolution , the capitalist mode of production that based on the science and technology brought the great social production capacity and material for the society , make the human society rapidly modernized .


  29. The World History or the tendency of globalization took place after the establishment of the capitalist mode of production . However , the trend can 't be completed and reached under the rule of bourgeoisie .


  30. If it is an inevitable trend of contemporary capitalist mode of production that socialism will take the place of capitalism , the new revolution of technology is the fundamental factor to bring about the historical trend .
